以色列在技术和数字可及性方面遥遥领先于世界其他国家,因为在以色列运营的每家公司都必须遵守以色列标准(is) 5568. Failing to conform to suggested standards results in stiff penalties for companies.
管理网页可访问性的法律IS 5568在原定推迟两年后于2017年生效(其第一版本应于2015年发布)。.
IS 5568旨在保障残障人士的权利和自由,使他们能够消费网上内容, avail its benefits, and live their lives independently.
Please read the article to understand IS 5568 and its requirements.
Overview of IS 5568 – a brief introduction!
以色列标准(IS 5568)是基于1998年残疾人平等权利法案(ERPD)制定的. The act focuses on people’s rights and discrimination against them. It evaluates accessibility guidelines for both private and government sectors.
The standard was approved by the Technical Committee, 每五年审查一次,以确保其与现代工具和技术的相关性.
在官方公报上公布的原始标准中不时会出现更正或更新, can be a separate correction sheet or might be just an amendment.
纳入IS 5568的任何更新自其在官方公报上公布之日起生效.
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Requirements of Israeli Standard (IS 5568) – what it entails!
以色列标准(IS 5568)是C3W(威尔士气候变化联盟)的指导文件。. The law is similar to the WCAG 2.因为它已经调整了许多指导方针,并进行了局部修改,以获得普遍接受.
Also, C3W文件于2012年被国际标准IEC/ISO 40500(第一版)接受. The document is linked to the below address -
And its Hebrew translation is also available here - http://www.isoc.org.il/files/w3c.
该标准是基于网站本质上是动态的概念制定的,因此他们可以在实时性能上偏离. However, their regular maintenance and new updates implementation is essential to avoid errors.
A few mandatory requirements are:
- Time-based media require regular review to ensure its accessibility level, provided automated tools are available easily.
- Adding subtitles in Hebrew is possible for video content.
- 最好在网站建设阶段分配资源以实现可访问性.
- Directive 1.2 explains guidelines on time-based media. 音频或视频内容(预先录制的和实时的)必须有一个文本替代来描述内容中的所有事件,并增加其可理解性.
- Directive 2.4 discusses suggestions on content navigation.
Read the Official document to know more!
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Organizations ought to conform with IS 5568!
以色列标准适用于政府和私人组织提供的所有产品和服务. 2017年以后成立的中型和大型机构,平均年收入为300新谢克尔,000 or more should be compliant with the law.
如果小型企业的平均年收入低于30万谢克尔,则应遵守IS 5568.
The deadline to implement accessibility for these companies was October 2020. Thus, it is high time to incorporate accessibility into their inaccessible websites.
Private contractors with an average income of NIS 100,000 or less are exempted from conformance with IS 5568.
以色列比大多数其他国家更严格地实施不遵守规定的惩罚和制裁. If inaccessible websites get sued in other countries, they are asked to make required remediations or maybe a minimum amount of fine. 而在以色列,法院可允许申诉人要求最高达5万谢克尔的法定损害赔偿.
Interestingly, 投诉人不需要证明他们在访问网站时遇到了什么问题.
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以色列政府和非营利组织正在支持公司实施无障碍法律. For instance, Access Israel每年举办一次关于无障碍讨论的会议,来自不同国家的领导人参加了会议. 这样的事件和活动为公司提供了可访问的产品,并鼓励其他公司在其流程中包含可访问性.
Along with adherence to IS 5568, 组织还需要披露他们为其网站所做的无障碍安排. It is a statement that helps disabled users to decide if they can utilize the website or not.
另一个要求是组织应该在网站上公布其可访问性协调员的联系信息. So that if people with disabilities encounter any accessibility issues, they can contact coordinators and give suggestions to eliminate the issues.
Israel is emerging as a web accessibility leader!
According to the World Health Organization, approx. 全世界有10亿人需要辅助产品来获取在线信息,以色列就是其中一个积极满足他们对辅助技术需求的国家.
多年来,以色列一直在证明其在技术创新和网络安全方面的全球领导地位,现在它正在成为网络可访问性方面的领导者. 他们在is5568整合和辅助技术创新方面取得的长足进步是显而易见的. So, 以色列在向全球观众展示其网站可访问性结果方面处于有利地位,并为世界树立了一个基准.
Skynet Technologies, 作为国际无障碍专业人员协会(IAAP)的准会员和W3C公认的参与者,我们为自己对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到无比自豪.
无论您是需要快速的可访问性改进还是需要对您的网站可访问性进行彻底检查, you can count on us to meet your requirements. As an ADA website accessibility remediation service provider company, we offer full ADA web accessibility services, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, support, and ongoing maintenance.
Reach out at [email protected] or request an ADA website accessibility quote. 我们的使命是帮助您提高数字存在的可访问性,并改善所有人的包容性.