We are a HubSpot Solution Provider Partner which enables us to offer growth solutions. 使用HubSpot, We provide multiple ways including help desk and ticketing, customer feedback, surveys, email marketing, and more to improve the digital customer experience.
我们有另一件值得骄傲的事,我们很自豪能被认可为SEMrush认证代理合作伙伴. 通过整合谷歌分析, SEMrush and our AI-based predictive analytics tools; We help our clients to analyze traffic, 客户旅程报告, customer behaviour, marketing funnel, and more to redefine and delight their customer experience.
Happy Customers
Delight your customers with providing a great user experience with easy navigation, 基于人工智能的产品搜索, 简化购买体验, increase conversational flexibility and more.
Pro-active and Personalized Customer Engagement
通过推荐系统产生新的潜在客户, 整合交叉销售和向上销售, 建立全渠道计划, implement customer feedback to enhance client experience, 保持你的品牌信息清晰, 实施客户忠诚度计划, make the use of customer analytics and more.
No More Longer Waiting Time in your website. Keep your website’s navigation crystal-clear and keep your product pages compelling. Streamline the one-page checkout process, free shipping offer, have a coherent and systematic content strategy. Engage your customers post-purchase by asking them feedback, shopping experience, product review, referral program, and more.
我们使用混合、自适应或响应式技术提供平台竞争解决方案开发. 我们将线上和线下渠道联系起来,通过汇总数据为您的客户提供量身定制的旅程, and providing consistent and personalized experience across all the channels.
Re-energize your customer experience strategy
投资于正确的客户数据, right property data, revamp your onboard process to improve cross-selling, 商务和全渠道战略, 整个网站重新设计或重组, 平台实施服务, website performance audit and optimization plan, 定期跟踪和分析你的用户, and more.
Empowered Sales
To empower your sales, 我们可以整合实时聊天, 个性化优惠券代码, referral program, upsell your products, 改进产品照片和描述, 大量订阅电子邮件列表, 推出忠诚计划, 建立社交媒体商店等等.
Augmented Services
整合客户互动服务, 体验设计与表演, 设计思维和签名时刻, 客户旅程数据可视化, 体验引擎等等.
We provide easy to use solution for loyalty and incentive management, 活动管理和执行, 微观金融交易, track and trace, 以及机器对机器的通信.
We help our clients to grow their customer experience constantly and continually. 我们通过连接人员、流程、数据和技术,创造卓越的客户体验. 我们使用A/B测试、热图、调查、投票等方式来提供360°客户体验服务.